Saturday, November 26, 2011

I've gotten a LOT more work done over the past few days. I *think all the stringers are done! whew!!

I'm also surprised how easy it is to form sheet balsa with windex.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Weekend's worth of assembling.

A weekend's worth of assembling. About 70% of the fuse is done! This kit goes together like a Dan Brown novel.

The first pic is of the main fuse carriage after a few steps. The 2nd picture is of that carriage along with the sides and some of the formers.

This is Thanksgiving week, so I don't imagine I'll have a lot of building time...however Rachel and I have the house to ourselves this weekend.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Stevens Aero Daddy-O 525

Well, it's time to put a kit together. (my first)

I picked this model mainly because it's right up my alley in looks and style...and because the Stevens Aero laser cut kits have a reputation of being of the best quality.

It's Friday night and I finished the pre-sanding as instructed in the manual. The kit came with a nice foam sanding block that did the job just fine.