I'm really happy how things are coming along with the Daddy-O. The wing is almost done. All I need to do it sand/form the leading edge and go over all of the important joints and bonds with some thin CA.
However, the most exciting part is that I've built and covered the ailerons! I'm pretty good at getting wrinkles out of covering with a heat gun...but I've never actually covered anything. I'm using the AeroFilm (or Solarfilm) from Stevens Aero Model. I just needed to set my iron at around 210 degrees and it tacked just fine. I'm sure I could be a little neater with the seams...but the heat gun shrinks everything very nicely. I was fully intending to just practice a fe
w times with the ailerons, but I was pleasantly surprised when the very first one was a keeper! (and the 2nd one was just a hair nicer! I tend to do decent on a first attempt...and then bomb the 2nd)
More to come!